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Advas Adves incacav ib txwm txhaj qauv qauv

Advas Adves incacav ib txwm txhaj qauv qauv

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:


Khoom Qhia Qhia

Khoom Ntawv

① Simulation ntawm ib tug neeg laus poj niam poj niam sab caj npab, pom tias yog lub cev kho rau lub cev siv rau Golfelow thiab Tennis
Luj tshib, nrog lub luj tshib lav yooj ywm.
② anatomical cov qauv: kev humerus, sab hauv Epicondyle, Ulnar hlab, vojvoog, luj tshib
Sib koom cov kab noj hniav, thiab lwm yam.
Cov neeg mob tuaj yeem siv lub cev tso pa, cov txuj ci palpation.
④ Cov chaw ntaus pob uas tuaj yeem ua: Tennis Luj tshib (tom qab Epicondyle of the Humerus);
Golfer lub luj tshib (Mediapicpicondyle ntawm Humerus), Alarms tom qab compression Orpuncture.
Cov Khoom Ntim: 58CM * 29Cm * 44cm 9kgs

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